
Kitten Overlord Levon wants to be sure that we are all aware of his work in the furtherance of the knitting cause.  He is worried Kitten Overlord Douglas may steal too much attention, so he asked me to mention just how hard he works to keep me firmly settled in my seat, busily cooking up new projects.  He guards my tea and delicately pats my knee with one paw if I do anything as ill considered as getting up. He does ask, however, that we not discuss the small whisker in cream incident that occurred shortly after this picture was [...]

August 31, 2015|

Because we all know the real point of travel is snacks

You should probably go now.  This post is of absolutely no interest to anyone but me.  This post is possibly the most boring thing on the whole site. But, I am constantly finding myself looking stuff up on my own blog, so I'm going to take shameless advantage of the 'my party, my rules' aspect of having one's own website and make a quick list of the nifty restaurants we went to in San Francisco.  This really is just so we can remember the next time we're out there or someone asks us where we liked.  Sorry for not being [...]

August 28, 2015|


You know how I occasionally prattle on at length about the difference between right-leaning double decreases, left-leaning double decreases, and centered double decreases?  This is why. That would not be nearly as nifty looking if you didn't get picky about your decreases.  And the next time someone asks if it's worth the bother to use the one called for, I'm sending them here. The yarn is Marshall Island Sport by the always delightful String Theory, and it continues their long-established tradition of being unreasonably pretty.

August 26, 2015|


Oh yeah, I sort of bought some yarn while we were away.  Not too much (the soul of restraint, that's me), but a bit. First up, Tosh DK by Madelinetosh in the color Stargazing (which doesn't show on their website, not sure if it's a one off or discontinued).  It's the brightest non-orange yarn in my stash and I will never in a million years be able to get an accurate reflection of the color of this yarn.  Let's just say it's blue enough it pretty much vibrates.  It is totally outside my normal gray with hints of green and [...]

August 24, 2015|


Didn't I promise there would be lace?  Proper, full of holes, lace?  Well here you go. I'm taken with this.  There's something amazingly dramatic about lace worked in big yarn, and I tend to adore it (and man is it fast...lace on big yarn is about the fastest knitting there is).  That's Legacy DK by O-Wool, and I'm just tickled by how it came out. I'm going to have to do a bit of experimenting and see how hard I want to block this one.  Usually I'm a fan of a fairly brutal blocking for curls, but I sort of [...]

August 21, 2015|


Kitten Overlord Douglas is decidedly unimpressed by my sink full of soaking socks. I, on the other hand, am totally impressed and looking forward to some serious sock pictures over the next few weeks.  I'll see what I can do about the furball's attitude, but enthusiasm is notoriously hard to generate in cats.

August 20, 2015|

More Indiscretion

When last I left you, it was Friday morning.  I'd visited A Verb for Keeping Warm the night before and just sort of casually mentioned that I was about to head out to another yarn shop later that morning.  The second yarn shop was ImagiKnit, and it was a delight. Now, first things first, they had a wee stack of Curls sitting out on the table.  And I know it's horribly tacky to admit it, but I confess that does always make me awfully happy to see that in a yarn shop.  I secretly suspect anyone else who writes books [...]

August 19, 2015|


You'll have to forgive me.  I had all these grand plans.  While I was away I was going to take advantage of the pretty scenery to take oodles of sock pictures (seriously, I packed along socks in my carry on for maximum sock safety).  I was going to stumble across charming fiber animals (when I had my camera handy).  I was going to encounter nifty knitting-related stuff (also with camera to hand) in unexpected contexts and document it for you all. But I haven't.  Instead I've spent a fairly astonishing amount of time finding awesome restaurants, reading, just possibly napping, [...]

August 14, 2015|


I distinctly remember, back when I was a new knitter, wondering why on earth people had so many knitting needles.  I could understand having different sizes.  Though I secretly suspected that you could probably make size 2 act like size 1 if you just pulled extra tight or like size 3 if you just kept your yarn a bit loose...I mean how much difference could a half a millimeter really make?  (Hint, new knitters, if you're reading this, the answer is 'a lot.'  Half a millimeter makes a lot of difference.  Save yourself the headache and be smarter than I [...]

August 10, 2015|
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