Not Dead
Published On: June 15, 2015

Do you remember that feeling you’d get in school right before you handed in a big paper?  The absolute conviction you left something out, or put two pages in the wrong order, or that some really important word doesn’t mean quite what you think it does and you used it wrong throughout the entire project?  That feeling of creeping dread that overwhelmed you at four in the morning the day the project was due?

Yeah.  That feeling doesn’t go away.  Some time in the next 24 hours or so, I send the book files off to the printer, and I am made entirely of that feeling.

So please pardon me for just a bit longer, as I go through this printer’s checklist one more time, and check once again that I didn’t accidentally sneak anything horrible into a pattern.  I promise I’ll be back soon (once the files are off, and perhaps once I’ve had a bit of a nap)!

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