Published On: November 17, 2012

Oh, I almost forgot.  While I’ve already detailed my yarny acquisitions from the Maine trip, I haven’t yet shown you my nifty new buttons.  I know they’re not strictly knitting related, but they will almost certainly get used in some sort of knitterly pursuit, so I’m pretending they’re fair game.  Aren’t they pretty?

Now alas, I don’t have a website where you can buy them directly.  I got them at KnitWit yarn shop in Portland.  They’re pewter, they’re handmade by some sort of super genius in the area, and they were all of $2.00 each.  This is a shockingly low price.  I, of course, got all of the very very very best ones, but I did manage to leave a few behind.  If you find yourself as taken with them as I was, you might be able to contact the store and arrange to get some of your own.

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